Posts tagged leadership development
How professional coaching can boost organisational performance

What are the benefits of coaching for organisations? Although coaching is generally focused on the individual and improving their performance, there are a range of benefits of coaching for companies who invest in coaching for their leaders, including improved organisational performance, employee retention and client service.

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What is the most important leadership skill to have?

The most important leadership skill to have in my view is self-awareness. Self-awareness is the foundation for all other leadership skills and can be developed and honed like any other leadership skill. This can be done through regular reflection, receiving feedback and working with a leadership coach

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How do you lead so that others want to follow?

As a leader, you want your team to follow you but also to be inspired by you and go the extra mile when you need them to. Through my leadership coaching and training, and my own experiences of leading and being led, I’ve learnt that it comes down to one thing. Trust. Understanding your leadership values and leadership style through increased self-awareness is vital to developing this trust.

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Reflections on "going solo"

10 weeks ago, I left my job and decided to set up my own business as an executive coach and leadership development consultant. I had a great role in a brilliant organisation, working with some amazing people. However as time passed and I climbed the ranks, I felt that I had got further away from the work I most enjoyed, being on the ground, delivering training and coaching to people in a wide variety of organisations, who were keen to learn new skills and put them to use to benefit both themselves and their organisation.

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