Posts in Women's development
What I learnt from doing the work of others

Last month I read “How Women Rise” by Marshall Goldsmith and Sally Helgesen. The book starts with a story of how Goldsmith and Helgesen once did a conference together. Goldsmith didn't prepare much and was pretty disorganised but won everyone over with his charm and subject knowledge. Helgesen spent hours preparing and worrying about how she would come across. Towards the end of the conference, Goldsmith finds out that his flight leaves earlier than he thought it did (did I say he was disorganised?), rushes off and leaves Helgesen to close on her own - which completely throws her as it wasn't in her plan.

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How to self promote without feeling like you’re selling out

According to Tara Mohr in her book “Playing Big”, girls, in particular, learn at school to keep their heads down, do a good job, and assume their success will be noted. When success involves getting good marks in homework and exams, that works. But in the workplace, not everyone sees the good work we do. And with so many distractions for leaders at the moment, we need to work harder to make an impact.

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